
Check Out the New Avatar of the Faceless Appeal Notice in Q-A Form!!

Written by  2020-12-23   1891

Check Out the New Avatar of the Faceless Appeal Notice in Q-A Form!!

Well Yes Friends, the New Avatar of the Appeal Notice in Faceless Appeal Regime is Out Here at for All Our Worthy Readers to See & Understand.

The New Faceless Appeal Notice is in Question-Answer (Q-A) Form, containing SIX (6) Questions & their Answers to Guide the Appellant through the Practical Gateways of Faceless Appeals Regime.

For Ready Reference of Our Worthy Readers, these Six Questions are shared below:

1. Why are you getting this communication?
Dear Appellant,
This communication is in connection with the above referred appeal preferred by you against the order under section 147r.w.s143(3) of the Income-tax Act,1961 passed by WARD XXYY, Delhi vide DIN No. ABCD on 29/12/2017 for the Assessment Year 2010-11.


2. What you need to do?
If you want to opt for Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme 2020, please go to e-filing portal by following the path mentioned below:
Login with user credentials--> Vivad Se Vishwas (last tab)
If you have already applied for Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme 2020, this communication is issued to expedite the settlement of appeal in your VSVS case. In order to have proper linking of relevant documents in the electronic appeal docket for future reference it is requested that you may upload your
request for withdrawal of appeal through your registered e-filing account (and provide the Appeal No., Form-1, Form 3 and Form-5, if issued) electronically in the path mentioned below:
Login with user credentials to --> e-Proceeding
If you are not opting for Vivad Se Vishwas Scheme 2020, then in support of your Grounds of Appeal, you are requested to furnish or cause to be furnished Ground-wise written submission, along with supporting documentary evidence(s) and/or documents as specified in the attached Annexure, if any, and if not already submitted electronically on the E-filing portal.


3. How will you produce the submission and documents?
You may furnish or cause to be furnished the above written submission(s) and documents electronically in 'E-proceedings' facility through your account in e-Filing Website (

4. What steps should you taken for furnishing the written submission(s) and documents(s) electronically?
You may refer to the Help Guide available at following path at e-filing portal for step-by-step instructions for furnishing the written submission(s) and documents(s) electronically.
Navigation Path: e-filing Portal Home (>Help-->General Help -->e-proceeding-Plan for Paperless Proceeding


5. Is there any time limit involved?
The above written submissions may please be furnished on or before 07/01/2021.


6. What if we do not hear from you?
If no submissions/information/documents is/are received within the stipulated time period, it will be presumed that you have nothing to say in this matter. The Department may proceed ahead based on material available on record.


Yours faithfully,
Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals)
National Faceless Appeal Centre